Episode 15 • S1E15 | St. Albert, patriarch of Jerusalem
One of the most diplomatic Saint Friends of all time!
Episode 14 • S1E14 | St. Regina, virgin and martyr
Today’s Saint Friend is an example of a “little Christ” who teaches us the power of faith.
Episode 13 • S1E13 | Sts. Joseph of Arimathea & Nicodemus
TWO Saints for the price of one!
Episode 12 • S1E12 | St. Bartholomew
Apostle of Jesus but mystery to us. This Saint Friend will teach you to make sure people know your name.
Episode 11 • S1E11 | St.Hyacinth of Krakow
One of the first Dominican priests and a national hero of Poland. Plus he has a great connection to food!
Episode 10 • S1E10 | St. Lawrence
Patron Saint of barbecues and master of service to the Church and sarcasm.
Episode 09 • S1E9 | St. Lydia, disciple of Paul
She was a disciple of Paul and one of the first recorded baptisms in Europe. She’s also mentioned by name more than once in the Bible!
Episode 08 • S1E8 | Pope St. Celestine I
He’s a pope! He’s a Saint! He’s our first Pope Saint!
Episode 07 • S1E7 | St. Apollinaris of Ravenna
He was a friend and disciple of Saint Peter. He was a bishop of the early Church assigned to a small Italian city. But who could forget about his tremendous show of perseverance?
Episode 06• S1E6 | St. Henry II
Are all Saints perfect all of the time? Of course not. Learn about one of these Saints in the royal court of the Holy Roman Emperor.
Episode 05 • S1E5 | St. Maria Goretti
This Saint Friend lived and died in a holier way than almost any of us could ever hope to. She’s one of the greatest examples of how to forgive others that we have ever seen in the world. Come walk in the garden with St. Maria Goretti.
Episode 04 • S1E4 | St. Peter, Prince of the Apostles
He’s the buff but obedient fisherman who Jesus appointed as the head of the Church in the world but he did a lot of things that frustrated Jesus as well. In the first part of Simon Peter’s story, we look at what the Gospels tell us about the Prince of the Apostles.
Episode 03 • S1E3 | St. Paulinus of Nola
How does a man go from being the son of a Roman prefect to the bishop of an Italian city? Marriage, conversion, baptism, death, a surprise ordination on Christmas and a lot of writing were the starting point.
Episode 02 • S1E2 | The First Canonized Saint
Who was the first “Big S” Saint? Would it surprise you that we don’t really know his name?
Episode 01 • S1E1 | Mary, the Mother of God
Where better to start than with Mary, the Mother of God? According to Catholic theology, she is the Queen of the Saints and the first Christian.