Episode 188 • S8E6 | St. Raymond of Peñafort
The Saint Friend who sailed away on his cloak!
Episode 187 • S8E5 | Pope St. Sylvester I
The Pope Saint Friend who was the first “free” pope!
Episode 181 • S7E25 | St. Nerses the Great
The Saint Friend who was in one too many royal courts!
Episode 179 • S7E23 | St. Elizabeth
The Saint Friend who bore the final Old Testament prophet!
Episode 178 • S7E22 | St. Narcissus of Jerusalem
The Saint Friend who lived for a very long time!
Episode 176 • S7E20 | St. Teresa of Ávila, virgin & Doctor of the Church
The Saint Friend who founded the Discalced Carmelites!
Episode 174 • S7E18 | St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Doctor of the Church
The Saint Friend who paved the “Little Way!”
Bonus • S7E16.5 | St. Robert Bellarmine, bishop & Doctor of the Church
The bonus Saint Friend who revolved around the Sun!
Episode 172 • S7E16 | St. Hildegard of Bingen, abbess & Doctor of the Church
The Saint Friend who did just about everything!