Episode 01 • S1E1 | Mary, the Mother of God


“Behold, your Mother.” With these words from on the cross, Jesus entrusts Mary to us, his beloved disciples, as our spiritual mother. There is a lot to unpack with Mary, especially from a Catholic perspective, but today we will focus on what we know of Mary’s early life in the Bible.

How would you react if an angel came to you on a Saturday afternoon and said God wanted you to give birth to His Son? Oh, and that child will be the savior of the world. No pressure, right? Can you even say “No?” We’ll begin to look at that situation as well as all those things Mary held “in her heart” while constantly being “full of grace.” Join me on a walk through ancient streets and gardens with one of my best Saint Friends, Mama Mary.


Episode 02 • S1E2 | The First Canonized Saint


Episode 00 • S1E0 | Introduction